Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A New Song

I had an idea and made it into a song pretty quickly. It did develop in some ways I had not expected.

This is still a bit of a work in progress, as I am not entirely happy with it. You might notice there's still some rough edges, and I'd guess some work on the structure might be good too.

It starts out in 11 edo/orgone, in this particular scale structure:

Slightly misleading in a sense, of course, since we're working with eleven tones per octave here - D# is about halfway between 'regular' D# and E (with regards to A), and F# is really closer to 'regular' G than the G given above is.

The funkier bit is in 11 edo/machine, in this particular mode:
We can compare the two, obviously, by setting them next to each other:
The notes I've taken to calling C# and G, which are slight misnomers, are lacking in both.